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We are most happy to announce the blessing of the birth of our first child, Ihsan Rahim Kassamali.


Ihsan was born on Friday, August 17, 2018, at 8:11 in the evening weighing 7 pounds 13 ounces (3.2 kilos) and measuring 20 inches (50 cm).

As his parents, we are most honored and grateful to be the custodians for the amanah (trust) of Ihsan and commit to doing everything possible for him. 


We express our sincerest gratitude for the abundance of support and prayers we have received from all of you; we are truly touched by your love. Thank you from the depth of our hearts.

On behalf of our families–Shiraz, Maherunnissa, Shiraz, Farida, Shamez, Sheemain, Lola, Amaan and Ilahi–we express our warmest congratulations and mubarakbaad to all of you for the newest member of our family.

We offer our humble shukrana for Ihsan.


Shahnoor, Rahim and Ihsan


Ihsan (Arabic: إحسان‎ ʾiḥsān) has various meanings including “excellence” and “perfection” (Arabic. husn). In Islam, ihsan is the responsibility of Muslims to obtain perfection, or excellence, in worship. It is a matter of taking one's inner faith (iman) and demonstrating it in action. In a hadith of the Prophet, he explains: “Ihsan is to worship God as if you see Him, for even though you do not see Him, surely he sees you.”

It is one of the three dimensions of faith: islam, iman and ihsan. In this perspective, Islam is submission to God, iman is belief in God and ihsan is to worship God. If Islam is what one should do and iman is why one should do, then the concept of ihsan is the intention to do.

Ihsan is “the highest form of worship” (ibadah). It is excellence in words, thoughts and actions. It is excellence in dunya (world) and is excellence in matters of din (faith). “Indeed, Allah commands justice and good conduct (Ihsan),” (Qur’an, Surah 16, Ayah 90). It is having awareness (taqwa) in one’s worship. In this awareness of God’s nearness, ihsan means striving for excellence in everything one does.

Ihsan also means "to do beautiful things". One who "does what is beautiful" is called a muhsin. In the Ismaili tariqah, a murid can truly achieve ihsan with the guidance of the Imam of the Time.


Inshallah, Ihsan, like his name, will achieve a life of excellence and do beautiful things.

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